In the digital world, a video can catapult a person to fame overnight. This is what happened to Lina Báez, a 24-year-old Venezuelan girl who lives in Puerto Montt, Chile. Lina went viral on TikTok with a video in which she warns Chilean women to take care of their husbands, since, according to her, Venezuelan women are ready to conquer them with arepas and something else. “Chileans, take care of your husbands, beautiful ones, because the Venezuelan women arrive, they make them their arepitas, they give them their totonita and… Delete it!” Lina said in the video that quickly spread across social networks, generating both laughter and controversy. .

From Puerto Montt to the World: Lina's Life in Chile
After him. A. Viralization of the video, Lina said that even her mother de ella in Venezuela found out about her new fame de ella. “My mother who lives in Venezuela called me, she saw me on the news there. I think that even the Chinese are putting mine with a translator,” he commented with a laugh during an interview with LUN. Lina shared more details about her life in Chile, mentioning that Santiago’s “loquera” is not for her. “You can see the people fighting, the traffic. The police stop every time in Los Angeles people who are walking and the foreigner cannot walk calmly, whether you are a woman or a man, they ask you for documentation. It is a lot of madness. I like that I am very close here. of los angeles playa, there are many beautiful viewpoints,” he explained. Despite being far from the capital, Lina has already begun to build a network of friends in Puerto Montt. “In Santiago I have my people that I have always known. Here I don’t know much, I know few, but the few that I know are top 10. When I want to go partying, I go,” he said.
Venezuelan Food in Chile: Arepas and Culinary Surprises
For Lina, one of the most important aspects of her life in Chile is the food. Despite being far from his homeland, he lacks nothing to prepare his beloved arepas. “I find l. A. Flour (corn), salt and water everywhere, as well as cheese, ham and egg. Here there is bread flour, you can get it in a small grocery store. It takes me between 20 to 25 minutes to prepare them. I fry them, I like fried things better,” he revealed. However, not everything in it. A. Chilean gastronomy is to your liking. Lina confessed that she is surprised by the way in which USA is used. LA Avocado in Chile. “The avocado (avocado) in my country is pC And you add the little pieces, here you add it as a sauce and I find it strange. It doesn’t have the same flavor,” he commented. In addition, he added that he is not a fan of completes or churrasco.

Threats and your Unbreakable Faith
Fame also brought with it a wave of negative comments and even threats towards Lina. However, she remains firm in her faith and assures that she is not afraid. “I am going to tell you something and I want it to be clear: I am with someone who does not sleep and does not rest, who is called Father God, and I am covered with the Blood of Christ and nothing will happen to me. Those threats and things are of no use to me because I have never taken anyone’s husband away,” she said. Lina Báez is a clear example of how going viral on social media can change a person’s life in unexpected ways. With her signature sense of humor and her love for Venezuelan culture, this young woman has captured the attention of thousands, and who knows what the future holds for her.[video de la venezolana viral]